Setting goals. Working as a team.

Taxes and labour law for freelancers – understanding, advising and enforcing!

As a freelancer, you face a number of problems these days. So it’s important to know what your strengths and weaknesses are, where risks lie, and what opportunities are available on the market.

To solve these issues, we bring together specialists from various fields to provide you with comprehensive consulting. And it all only ever happens at one place: MUNKERT & PARTNER. 


What we can do for you

Optimise your tax burden with us. We’ll analyse your tax documents and find ways to reduce your tax burden, particularly weighing up the pros and cons of cash accounting compared to account balancing. By taking into account your personal circumstances, we can prevent multiple burdening.

We audit your company to reduce your tax burden. If no agreement fitting your interests can be achieved with the tax authorities, we assert your rights before the fiscal courts and the German Federal Fiscal Court, always weighing up the costs and benefits of court disputes, as well as the associated legal uncertainty.

We work with you to arrange intergenerational succession of your personal assets and/or the permanent continuation of your business. In doing so, we advise you on legal, fiscal and – if necessary – even business-administration matters.

We particularly take into account the individual personal and family circumstances of the bequeathing and recipient parties, and intensively analyse the time and scope of the assets to be transferred.

Special emphasis is placed here on ensuring a balanced agreement between parties.

With our structural-consulting service, we give you the chance to experience our creativity and organisational skills, without having to immediately hire us for your tax declaration.

The focus here is on analysing your structure under company law, with a view to identifying potentials for tax optimisation. We devise alternative structure options, and show you the specific areas in which you can save money, or be honest with you if we don’t see any potential for improvement from a cost perspective. Make the most of the opportunity to obtain a second opinion from us.

We advise you on all matters pertaining to employment relationships. Identifying potential disputes with staff early on serves as the basis for ensuring a profitable and productive work environment and avoiding legal disputes. But if legal disputes do arise, we will of course also represent your interests here to prevent you from being unnecessarily encumbered.

We prepare credit negotiations for you, and devise a strategy for achieving minimum interest charges and reducing the necessary collateral. We will also assist you during the negotiations to help you realise this strategy.